YOU Are Not Lost

I posted a video yesterday that includes a quote from Emily McDowell that I love so much that I included it in my book.  The basic message is that your true self is always with you, but with social conditioning, others’ opinions or the demands of daily life, we often lose sight of our authentic self.

I am a firm believer that the universe is always nudging us towards our purpose.  You might be wondering how these nudges show up, so I thought I’d share a few stories with you.

There was a time years ago that I felt completely drained.  I wasn’t trying to live up to my purpose; I was just trying to take care of my kids, do a good job at work and be a good wife.  I was so far down on my list of “things to do” that I didn’t even realize that I was lost.  Does this sound familiar?

Anyway, I was in my car and I started sobbing – I mean sobbing so hard that I could barely see the road.  I don’t remember if it was a song that came on the radio or what, but I suddenly realized with great clarity that my life had become so programmed that I had ceased to exist as a person.  I had become robot-like; I was very efficient but so very empty.  The emotion I felt in the car that day was intense.  I knew that I needed to make some importance changes.  That “nudge” changed me in a powerful way.

Nudges can also be positive.  Years ago, I received a voicemail out of the blue about a job that I had always dreamed about.  A woman I had never met was retiring and had heard nice things about me.  Her voicemail simply said, “it wouldn’t hurt to come and have coffee with me would it?”  I did and I got the job of my dreams.

There have been other ways that I’ve been nudged.  Do any of the following nudges sound familiar to you?

  • You feel tired before you even get out of bed.
  • You toss and turn at night.
  • You feel sad or angry.
  • Joyful days seem to be few and far between
  • You get an opportunity out of the blue and can’t figure out how it came your way.
  • Someone says something to you that reminds you to pursue your dreams.
  • You hear a song or read something that strikes a chord with you.
  • You feel disconnected from the people who mean the most to you.

Those nudges are reminders to stop and take stock of who you are and what matters most.  In my book I share that looking in a mirror, really taking in your reflection and allowing yourself to feel if you’re living your purpose can be a powerful step to take.

Friends, we all lose our way from time to time.  When we get better at listening to the nudges and getting back on track, fulfilling our purpose is not only possible it’s the only acceptable choice.

I hope that my book helps!