LISTEN NOW: The Connie Pheiff Show – How Your Past Creates Your Future

I was honored to be interviewed recently on the Connie Pheiff Show. Connie Pheiff and I both held executive positions, both are/were married to firemen and both had career pivots later in life. We had a great discussion about my book and so much more. Click the link below and give it a listen and while you’re on iTunes subscribe to Connie”s show on Apple Podcasts and follow her on all of her socials.  Don’t forget to comment here your feedback!

Listen to my interview here: 

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Connie is looking for dynamic entrepreneurs, prominent masterminds, thought leaders, and business luminaries to interview on her show. She’s pretty selective who she invites. If you’re interested, go to the link below to apply to be a guest. Click here to apply: