Giving Up Sometimes Makes Great Sense

I said in Monday’s Motivation to “never give up”.  I want to be clear that I meant to never give up on achieving your dreams.  It doesn’t matter how long it takes to make your dreams come true, it just matters that they do come true.  Keep at them and don’t give up.  Good things take time.

Now I’m going to surprise you.  I want to talk about the things that you should consider giving up on because they don’t serve you.  Here goes.

Give up on people who are disrespectful: 

It’s fine to give up on people who don’t show you or others respect.  Yes, of course you can try to help them understand that they’re falling short in the respect area, but if they continue to be disrespectful, you should give up on any idea of having a relationship with them.  This principle applies to any relationship, whether personal or professional.

If you’re not being respected at work, let the other person know that you feel disrespected by saying something such as “When you said/did _________________, I felt disrespected.  I’d appreciate understanding why you behaved in that way.”  Let them explain, and you can remind them if it happens again that it’s not acceptable for them to treat you that way.  If it’s a colleague, you can speak with your manager.  If it’s your boss, then you must decide if leaving is an option.   It’s understandable and appropriate to give up on people who are disrespectful.

If you’re being disrespected at home, you can start to establish some boundaries in terms of describing what’s acceptable to you or not.  If you’re in a domestic situation that is hurtful to you, please seek help.  You deserve better.  You cannot fix other people.  Get help.  Please get help.

Give up on jobs that no longer excite you:

Sometimes we outgrow our job, or we know in our gut that it’s just not working.  Listen to the voice inside that tells you to do something else.  You don’t have to quit immediately, but start making a plan to do something else.  I’ve had times when the voice inside was telling me nearly every day that it was time to get the heck out.  I always listened, but it usually took a while.  When your inner voice starts talking, listen to it; it’s telling you something important about your situation.

Give up the “could haves, would haves, should haves”:

It’s ok to give up on the things that could have been or should have been because they’re over and done with.  If you think that there’s something that you haven’t done yet, but you truly want to do, then put together a plan and reframe it for the future.  Don’t beat yourself up about the past; that simply doesn’t serve you.

Give up trying to be everything to everyone:

It’s impossible.  I wish it wasn’t.  Do your best, that’s all you can do.  It’s all anyone can do.

Give up on perfection:

Don’t expect it in yourself or anyone else; it’s an impossible hurdle.  Do your best, be your best and enjoy all the beauty that life holds for you.

Be well my friends!