Time to Spring Ahead

One of the first signs of Spring in the Midwest is the process of setting our clocks an hour ahead.  My mom would always say “it’s time to spring ahead” and that’s the way I remember to skip an hour when I’m resetting the clocks.  Just as an aside, it’s also the time of year when I realize how many clocks I own.

This concept of springing ahead is a gentle reminder to do just that, not only with the clocks but with life.  Here are some questions you might consider in determining how to move forward:

  • What’s one thing I want to finish this year? Why does it matter?  Note that this can include eliminating something that no longer serves you, including other people’s opinions.
  • What are the steps I must take?
  • Who can I rely on to help me move forward?
  • How will I celebrate when I meet my goal?

Over the years I’ve seen people talk excitedly about goals and then never make any progress.  Often the reason they don’t even begin is that they become overwhelmed by all that’s needed to achieve the goal.  That’s not springing ahead; that’s staying stuck.  I’m not saying the big goals aren’t important, but often breaking the big goals into smaller, more manageable goals leads to significantly more progress over time.

How might your life change if you focused on just one of the goals below?

  • Stop allowing (you can name the person)’s opinions to crush my spirit. To do this, I need to set boundaries with them so they know that their thoughts aren’t helpful or appreciated.
  • I’m going to push myself a little harder to speak up at meetings on the topics that matter to me.
  • I’m going to take the certification exam I’ve been delaying. I will prepare for the exam and get it over with.
  • I’m going to stop speaking to myself in a way that I’d never speak to someone else.  I’m going to create some supportive thoughts I can repeat to myself and treat myself like a friend.
  • I’m going to schedule all my medical checkups and keep the appointments.
  • I’m going to apply for the job that I want.
  • I’m going to be more present in all my interactions.
  • I’m going to read at least one book a month on a topic that interests me.

Whatever it is that you want to focus on to spring you forward, make note of it and do it.  Ask for the support you need and know that people are honored to help others.

Confession:  There are at least a few things in the list above that are my “spring forward’ actions.

Hope you have a wonderful week friends!