Leaders-Stop Name-Calling
Leaders-please stop name-calling. By this, I mean telling people that they’re being defensive, too assertive, lacking confidence, etc. When you call people names, you aren’t helping them succeed (this is your primary job as a leader) and you’re shutting them down. They don’t know what behavior needs attention; they just know that you don’t approve of them and they’re falling short of your expectations.
When you catch yourself name-calling, think about your intention. Are you trying to put them in their place because they’re threatening you? Are you calling a woman who is working really hard “too intense” because she’s working harder than you are willing or able to work?
Keep feedback based on behavior. Instead of “you’re too intense”, maybe something such as “when you are solely focused on getting the work done you aren’t listening to the team’s concerns which makes them feel unappreciated and unduly stressed. Here is a suggestion that might help…..
People need to feel supported at work-it’s actually what leading is all about.
If I can help you lead more effectively, please contact me.
Megan Scannell
December 3, 2023 @ 6:11 pm
I like to add to let me work with him and he can help me with that you have a I’m I am is a loser. I talk to much is baby the whole is beeping, the horn it to the music to it up I told her stop