Make A Decision or Someone Else Will
Anne Carson has said, “Sometimes a journey makes itself necessary.” Here’s what my mom would’ve said after reading that one: “Ain’t it the truth!”
It’s human nature to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Pain is often associated with change regardless of whether this change is part of our work or other aspects of our lives. I’ve seen countless instances in my own life and in the lives of others where we do all we can to hold onto the status quo and avoid deciding for fear that having to do so will be too disruptive.
Unfortunately, the reality is that not deciding is a decision on its own. In my book, I shared that Oprah talked about being frustrated with countless guests for not paying attention to their lives. She mentioned that not listening to our life’s whispers results in the whispers getting louder and louder until eventually something comes crashing down. This is what it’s like when we don’t own our lives and make deliberate decisions. When we step back and let someone else decide for us what we should become, what we should do, what we should wear, say, be, etc.
I’ve met with countless people over the years who have been frustrated that someone didn’t offer them a job, despite the fact they never expressed an interest. Others have stayed in a job that they clearly dislike but they don’t leave because they’re afraid to leave. Often what happens is that they don’t perform well, or they become so nervous about failing that they don’t exhibit their strengths and lose their jobs because someone else decided their fate for them.
Owning your life takes effort and courage without a doubt.
In my blog, I share a lot of information about knowing what you want. It’s so important because when you know what you want, you start trusting your own instincts about what’s possible for you and how you can go about getting it. You stop relying on others to tell you what you want or when you should leave or what you’re worth.
Owning your life takes effort and courage without a doubt. It also takes effort to tolerate other people diminishing you, squashing your dreams, and paying you less than you’re worth. I hope you put your effort into going forward and realizing the life you want to live. It’s really the only way to understand and realize your purpose.